Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I've been contemplating for the last couple of weeks wether to do a blog. Its quite intimidating, to me at least. Especially with some of the really quick witted ones of my friends that I've read. But i finally caved and decided it would be great to share a little bit of our lives this way. So my first entry is to say that this will not be even close to a perfect blog, there will be mispelled words, bad grammar, some good humor and not so good, (just to name a few) and a lot of real moments from the Baker clan. I say all this not for you all out there, but mostly for me...I will be real and honest with you all and that's what you'll get. So my first plea is to my friends and family who visit this, give me feedback...seriously and major advice on topics to talk about. Ask questions, and most of all ENJOY :) Love ya all...